How to Change Your Life Quickly

Most people want to change their lives in some way. We want more happiness, more success at work, more peace, more money, more time with family, a closer walk with God, better relationships, a better body, better health, less stress, less worry, less pain, and less discouragement.

But most people are stuck or just can’t seem to figure out how to change for the better. As a result, we are frustrated, discouraged and live through many days without hope that things will get better.

Where do we start?

Well, if you are reading this and you have had enough, there is reason for hope. You can change your life and do it quickly. What I am about to share with you is a tried and true way to change any aspect of your life. Any personal coach or human development expert with tell you some version of these three steps. Here is what you should be fired up about… these three steps will work for any area of your life. Are you ready? Here we go!

1. Get crystal clear on what you want, and get gripped by it

What is that you want? I mean really want! And why do you want it? I’m talking about wanting something so bad you are willing to go without sleep, or without food to attain it! One time, when the church I pastor was struggling financially I went without food for 10 days! A little crazy, I know. But I was clear on what I wanted. Most people don’t even know what they really want. Changing your life comes down to wanting something better than you currently have.

Why do millions upon millions of people outside of the United States seek and succeed at learning English? Could it have something to do with being able to experience a better life? Have more opportunities? Could it be that millions of people have been gripped by the possibility of a better future economically, so they suffer through the pain of learning English? Yes!! You must be gripped by a better version of your life if you want to have the energy to do what it takes to change!

2. Decide to change

You must make up your mind. Will you continue to talk about the change or make the change? So many people talk about being more spiritual, or losing the weight, or getting more organized, or getting sober, but they never do it. I have been talking about writing a book now for over 5 years, and I still don’t have a book! Why? Because I have not really decided. I have good intentions. No, I have great intentions. I love helping people. I have great ideas for a book, in fact multiple books. I have a passion for what I want to write about. But I haven’t really decided. If I had I would have taken the steps necessary to finish the book. Anthony Robins said it perfectly, “Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.”

3. Take daily action

This is where the rubber meets the road. True change in our lives only occurs when we take different actions and take them consistently. You are where you are today primarily because of the actions you have taken this far in your life. If you want to become someone different you must take different actions. John Maxwell put it this way, “Success is found in your daily agenda.” If you want to run a marathon, you will have to do at least three runs a week for 10-12 weeks prior to the race. You can’t just “want” it. You have take action for a better marriage, improved health, more success at work, and more peace and joy in your life.

When it comes to taking action we can get confused. Our brains can actually trick us into thinking that we took action. What am I talking about? Well, have you ever read a book about writing a book? I have. You know how it felt? It felt like I took action. But I didn’t. Have you ever bought a piece of exercise equipment? Joined a gym? Bought a bible? Downloaded an app to count your calories? Watched some YouTube videos? This is not action… well it is, but its not the type that will ensure the changes you desire. We must take the actions that will actually result in change.

Real action is work. Hard work. Making the calls. Writing the words. Running the miles. Eating the salads. Practicing patience. Holding your tongue. Memorizing a bible passage. Spending time alone with God. Thomas Edison said it best, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

A few disturbing questions:

Are you happy with your life? What do you want to change? Why do you want to change it? What are you willing to do to make the change? What are you not willing to do? Be honest, do you just have good intentions? When will you decide to make the change? What specific actions do you need to take to make the change?

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About the author

Danny Anderson

Danny Anderson is the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Church, a multisite church with three locations in Central Indiana. He and his wife Jackie have three children and live in Greenwood. Danny aspires to make a positive impact on as many lives as he can. He believes that everyone can live an awesome life!